Conservative Party is the natural home of Reform voters
I share the frustrations of voters tempted by Reform - it’s why I made the difficult decision to resign. But I ask those voters to do the same and place their heads before their hearts. Dividing the Right only delivers a Labour landslide: the opposite of what our country needs.

Why do we still send millions to China when we desperately need that money to defend ourselves against countries like... China?
With threats only growing, we must significantly increase defence spending. But money can’t be magicked up so we must divert spending from elsewhere. Until we’re confident in our ability to defend ourselves, we should direct half the aid budget to defence.

Why does the Left consider it Islamophobic to want to expel the cancer of extremism from Britain?
We must be honest with ourselves: we have a serious problem with Islamist extremism. How do we cure this sickness and build a united country? It starts by consigning the disastrous experiment of mass migration to history.

Let's remind voters we're on their side by cutting one of the UK's most counter-productive taxes
Voters rightly want the Government to stop illegal – and reduce legal – migration, to reform the NHS and to take the firmest line against crime. But above all they want a strong economy that leaves more money in their pockets.